Регионален секретариат за парламентарно сътрудничество в ЮИЕ

Основни документи

 1. Декларация от Софийската среща на министрите на външните работи в ЮИЕ, София, юли 1996 г.

2. Заключения на председателя от софийската среща на министрите на външните работи в ЮИЕ, София, юли 1996 г.

3. Charter of Good-Neighbourly Relations, Security and Cooperation in South-Eastern Europe and Protocol to the Charter of Good-Neighbourly Relations, Security and Cooperation in South-Eastern Europe, 10th Meeting of Heads of State and Government of the South-East European Co-operation Process

4. Protocol to the Charter on good neighbourly relations, stability,security and cooperation in South-Eastern Europe - Croatia, Zagreb, 10-11 May 2007

5. Joint Statement, adopted at the III Conference of Parliamentary Committees on European Integrations/Issues of countries participants in the Stabilization and Association Process in South-Eastern Europe, Skopje, 13-14 December 2006

6. Τhe Thessaloniki agenda for the Western Balkans: Moving towards European integration, Thessaloniki, 21 June 2003

7. Communication from the Commission – The Western Balkans on the road to the EU: consolidating stability and raising prosperity Commission of the European Communities, Brussels, 27/01/2006

Регионален секретариат за парламентарно сътрудничество в ЮИЕ,
Република България, София 1000, пл. "Княз Александър I" №1; тел. 939 3432, тел./факс 988 5021, email: [email protected]