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Parliamentary Seminar for the Members of the SEECP PD Working Group
11 October 2013

Parliamentary Seminar:
“Legal Status and Political Functions of Interparliamentary Organizations”


On 14-15 October 2013 in Grand Hotel Sofia,RSPC SEE organizes Parliamentary Seminar: “Legal Status and Political Functions of Interparliamentary Organizations”.

Among the topics of the seminar will be:

-  Enhancing the parliamentary dimension to international and regional cooperation
-  Overview of legal status of different interparliamentary institutions
-  Baltic and Nordic States experience in regional cooperation
-  Parliamentary Diplomacy: Setting up and managing relations with regional and international partners.

The concept of the seminar is to introduce the approach of otherinter-parliamentary organizations in building their international identity and institutional structure and to discuss different legal and political aspects related to the functioning ofthe future SEECP Parliamentary Assembly taking into consideration the existing international practice.
The format of the seminar envisages participation of the members of the SEECP PD Working Group, international experts, representatives of partner interparliamentary organizations.

Programme of the Parliamentary Seminar

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The South-East European Cooperation Process is a forum for diplomatic and political dialogue reaffirming the political will and readiness of the countries from SEE to work...
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Regional Secretariat for Parliamentary Cooperation in South East Europe
1 "Aleksandar I" square
1169 Sofia 