Parliament, Tirana |
Mr. Genci Goli Expert Foreign Relations Service Parliament, Tirana Phone: ++355 4 22 78 379 Email: [email protected] |
Parliamentary Assembly, Sarajevo |
Jadranka Radović Head of Division for Protocol/ Parliamentary Assembly, Sarajevo Phone: +387 33 284 427 Email: [email protected] |
National Assembly, |
Mrs. Vesela Petkova-Stoitzev Senior Expert International Relations Department National Assembly, Sofia Phone: +359 2 939 31 12 Email: [email protected] |
Parliament, Zagreb |
Mr. Zdeslav Perkovic Adviser Deapartment for International Affairs Office for International and European Affairs Parliament, Zagreb Phone: 00385989835028 E-mail: [email protected] |
Ms. Pinelopi Nikole Ms. Chara Karagiannidou National coordinator to the SEECP Parliament Assembly Parliament, Athens Tel.: +30 210 373 3540, 3541 Fax: +30 210 373 3548, 3459 Email: [email protected] |
Assembly, Skopje |
Mr. Rexhail ISMAILI National Coordinator Assembly,Skopje Phone: +389 2 3112 537 Email:[email protected] Ms. Biljana OGNENOVSKA Deputy National Coordinator Assembly,Skopje Phone:+389 2 3119 825 ext.274 Email: [email protected] |
Parliament, Chisinau |
Мs. Cristina MALCOCI Chief consultant Inter-parliamentary Relations Unit Directorate for Foreign Affairs Parliament of the Republic of Moldova +373 62 162 070 Tel: +373 22 26 84 56Mob: +373 60 00 31 26 E-mail:[email protected] |
Croatian, Parliament |
Mr. Zdeslav Perković National coordinator to the SEECP Parliamentary Assembly Croatian Parliament Tel/Mob:+385 14569645; +385 989835028 Email: [email protected] |
Parliament, Podgorica |
Mr. Jasmin Bojadzic Committee on International Relations and Emigrants Parliament, Podgorica Tel/Mob: +382 20 225 190 ; +382 67 562 293 E-mail: [email protected]; |
Parliament, Bucharest |
Ms. Cosmina MOLDOVAN External Multilateral Relations Directorate Senate, Bucharest Phone: +40 21 414 26 31 Fax : +40 313 35 07 Email: [email protected] Ms Camelia Nãstase Parliamentary adviser Directorate for relations with international organisations and the European Union General Directorate for External Affairs and Protocol Phone: 00404141435 Mobile phone: 0040728995362 Email: [email protected] |
National Assembly, Belgrade |
Ms. Marija Vučićević Adviser National Assembly, Belgrade Email: [email protected] |
Parliament, Ljubljana |
Ms. Tanja Pandev Head of Section for International Relations, Protocol, and Translation Parliament, Ljubljana Email:[email protected] |
Grand National Assembly, Ankara |
Mr. Kürşad Melih SARIARSLAN Grand National Assembly, Ankara Phone: +90 312 420 67 77 Email: [email protected] |
Assembly, Prishtina |
Mrs. Bukurije Rukolli Email: [email protected]
Directorate for Protocol and International Relations
Assembly of the Republic of Kosova
Tel: +3813820010101
Mob: +38344712343
3 July 2020
Turkey takes over presidency of regional cooperation process from Kosovo
Today Turkey took over the rotating presidency of the SEECPPA for the next...
30 June 2020
7th SEECP PA Plenary session, 24 June 2020, Prishtina
On 24 June 2020 SEECP Parliamentary Assembly was gathered for its 7th Plenary...
18 July 2019
Kosovo takes over presidency of regional cooperation process from Bosnia
PRISHTINA- The main priorities of Kosovo's one-year Chairmanship over...
1169 Sofia