What is it?
The South-East European Cooperation Process is a forum for diplomatic and political dialogue - the participating countries are open to cooperation for the future development of the region, for defining common views and for sharing experience.
How was it established?
The initiative is launched in Sofia in July 1996 during the meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of South-East European countries. This was a period of changes for the countries in the region marked by the process of democratic reforms. Having aimed to strengthen that process and subsequently, to transform the region into an area of stability, security and cooperation the Declaration of the Sofia meeting was adopted. It expresses the will of the participating countries to start a long-term process of multilateral cooperation in the field of:
· Strengthening stability, security and good-neighbourly relations;
· Economic development;
· Humanitarian, social and cultural issues;
· Justice, combat against organized crime, illicit drug and arms trafficking, and terrorism.
Subsequently, the Process was recognized by the international community as the authentic voice of the region and grew into a forum which involves all SEE countries.
How does it work?
In the progress of the South-East European Cooperation Process the principle of “regional ownership” has been playing a major role. According to it, the participating countries have to initiate regional co-operation projects based on specific needs and priority areas of the region. Coordination of the joint activities of the SEE countries is carried out by the Regional Cooperation Council and the Regional Secretariat for Parliamentary Cooperation in SEE.
1 July 2021
Greece takes over presidency of regional cooperation process from Turkey
From 1 July 2021 to 1 July 2022, Athens shall assume the Presidency of the...
3 July 2020
Turkey takes over presidency of regional cooperation process from Kosovo
Today Turkey took over the rotating presidency of the SEECPPA for the next...
30 June 2020
7th SEECP PA Plenary session, 24 June 2020, Prishtina
On 24 June 2020 SEECP Parliamentary Assembly was gathered for its 7th Plenary...
1169 Sofia