The Regional Secretariat for Parliamentary Cooperation in South East Europe is established as a regional network for information, coordination and exchange among the SEECP Parliaments.
The Secretariat maintains close operational contacts with the RCC Secretariat, SEECP Chairmanship in Office, SEECP Troika as well as with the designated national coordinators within the Parliaments of the countries of South East Europe.
In the light of the European Integration and the Euro-Atlantic perspectives of the countries of the region and of the key role National Parliaments have in the reform and integration efforts as legislators and highest representatives of the people, the Regional Secretariat maintains a close liaison and cooperation with a number of partners, most notably the European Parliament.
The Regional Secretariat serves also for the countries of the region as a focal point for cooperation with the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly, the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the BSEC, the Inter-Parliamentary Union, the Euro-Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly and other international and regional organizations.The Regional Secretariat is hosted, following the decision endorsed at the 6th SEECP Speakers of Parliament Conference, by the National Assembly in Sofia
Contact details of the RSPC SEE, Sofia:
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