rspcsee.org » SEECP PA Plenary sessions
Plenary Sessions

Rule 5
The SEECP Parliamentary Assemblyshall meet once a year for a regular Plenary Session in the country holding the SEECP Chairmanship-in-Office.
The Speaker of the parliament/parliamentary chamber of the country holding the SEECP Chairmanship-in-Office shall chair the Session.
The Chair can propose and, upon reaching a consensus, can convene an extraordinary Session.
The presence of at least two thirds of the national delegations shall constitute the quorum for the Sessions.
The Sessions shall begin with adoption of the Agenda. Every member of a national delegation can propose additional issues on the Agenda.
Rule 6
The members of the national delegations of the SEECP Parliamentary Assemblyshall have the right to take part in the debate for a maximum of five minutes.
Rule 7
Upon invitation of the Chair and after consultation with the members of the Bureau of the Assembly, high representatives of the governments of the Participating States, international organizations, the business community and the civil society organizations can address the Plenary Session.
After their address the members of the national delegations of the SEECP Parliamentary Assemblywill have two minutes for questions, if time allows.
Rule 8
During the Plenary Session, the members of the national delegations, supported by at least two delegations, can submit amendments in a written form to the draft documents of the General Committees.
The members of the national delegations shall have the right to an one minute explanation for the proposed amendment.