Legislative power is exercised by the 81-member Parliamentary Assembly (single chamber parliament), elected by direct and general elections on the proportional system for a period of 4 years.
Last elections were held on 16 October 2016
President of the Parliament :Ivan Brajovic
Parliamentary Groups:
The Democratic Party of Socialists of Montenegro 36 MPs
Democratic Front 18 MPs
"Big Coalition - Key" 9 MPs
Democratic Montenegro 8 MPs
Montenegro's Social Democratic Party 4 MPs
"Montenegro's Social Democrats" 2 MPs
Bosniak Party of Montenegro 2 MPs
Albanian Coalition 1 MPs
Croatian citizens' initiative 1 MPs
Official website: https:// www.skupstina.me
Latest News
23 April 2018
5th SEECP PA Plenary session, 13-14 April 2018, Ljubljana
On 13-14 April 2018 SEECP Parliamentary Assembly gathered at its 5th Plenary...
13 June 2017
Fourth Plenary Session of SEECP PA, 8-10 June 2017, Zagreb
On 10 June 2017 in Zagreb Fourth Plenary Session of SEECP PA was organized by...
26 April 2017
GC on Social Development, Education, Research and Science convened in İstanbul
On 21 April 2017 SEECP PA General Commitee on Social Development, Education,...
Regional Secretariat for Parliamentary Cooperation in South East Europe
1 "Aleksandar I" square1169 Sofia